nominate A MATE
Do you know someone who should enter this years MYTA's BUT ..
Don't know enough about them?
They don't know how AMAZING they are?
They are too modest to nominate themselves?
Fill in the details below and we'll contact them on your behalf!
How to fill in a Main application
There is an area for filling in details of the nominating person, if they are different from the person up for the award. We are genuinely indifferent about whether people nominate themselves or are nominated by others.
Answer all the questions with information that is correct and true.
There are no marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar, however please understand that if a judge is not able to clearly understand your application this could affect your judging score.
Use the full word count; give as much detail as possible in your application.
Do not submit links in your application as these will not be used in judging.
Each nominee should submit a vector file of their company logo when making the nomination.
It is highly recommended that the answers given in the application are succinct. Though feel free to use bullet points where possible to cover the criteria below:
Key Question 1 – Describe the nominee’s role/scope/responsibilities
Describe the individual’s role or the business, team or charity project purpose – maximum 1000 characters
Key Question 2 – Reasons for nomination
Explain the key reasons for the nomination in this category. To include as appropriate how the individual, business, team or charity project has gone above and beyond expectation and/or made an outstanding contribution to the Manchester region – maximum 1000 characters
Key Question 3 – Describe the nominee’s achievements
Describe where appropriate the individual’s, business’, team’s or project’s performance metrics and achievements – maximum 1000 characters
Key Question 4 – Evidence
Where appropriate and available, evidence of client/customer testimonies/feedback and previous awards won – maximum 1000 characters